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Top 8 Job Search Sites for Fashion Professionals

In my series guide to recruiting great fashion talent, I touched upon a few popular places on the internet where prospective fashion candidates should keep profiles for hiring employers to find them. Below I expand on that list and go into more details about how each site might serve your needs.

Get a profile on this site right away if you don’t already have one! There is no excuse! Most of my networking and job leads have come from LinkedIn. If your looking of an internship or freelance work, this is still the best place to start. Don't be intimidated, just follow the prompts for setting up your profile. If your not sure, go look at the profiles of people in your field or that you admire. Honestly, just being searchable on the site will lead to networking & recommendations from your peers!

2. Stylecareers

Stylecareers shines because it get’s specific within the fashion industry about what type of designer a job poster is looking for, specifically in fashion. Accessory designers can search for jobs for their product categories. The down side is they have a lot of evergreen listings that turn out to be old or filled when you dig deeper. Maintain a profile in this site. It has lead to interviews and networking for me. Also a great place for those looking for internships in fashion.

Coroflot is more dedicated towards design jobs in general. They also group fashion and apparel together and they don’t have as many fresh listings as the above two options. What I like about them is that you often find interesting fringe companies and opportunities you don’t see on any other design job sites. Jobs like designing motorcycle accessories or snowboarding gear. Companies that find they need or want to branch out into accessories but aren’t strictly in the fashion industry post here. Outdoor gear companies are a prime example.

Glassdoor isn’t just great to find out the details on a company culture, they also function as a job board. I recommend you maintain a profile on their site and contribute a review whenever possible. You can help other people in your field with this easy gesture. If you post anonymously, make sure you at least indicate you were in the design dept. so other designers know it’s a review from their area.

5. BoF

I have recently started using the Business of Fashions online job boards, a blog that grew into a magazine for fashion creatives. Often there are listings I didn’t see in other places, but not many. If your hard up for places to job hunt, this site is worth a look. They still group clothing and accessories together, but I find the listing are pretty well labeled. Their articles and reporting are very well done; I recommend them for keeping up with fashion world news.

Drapers is the UK version of StyleCareers. If you want a job abroad, this might be a good place to maintain a profile on. Not surprisingly, it is difficult to get interest when you are an international candidate.

I signed up with the Muse long before it became a good job board to look on. Initially, they mostly had tech jobs. Recently, I have started seeing more fashion companies post. Also, they have great articles and information about job hunting. They do excellent company profiles and have other resources, such as online coaches for leveling up your career game.

I first started using Behance as a graduate of the School of Visual Arts. It is owned by Adobe, so it made sense, since I use Adobe products, that an account came with it. Since then, I have made it a portfolio of my accessories career, but the site more art/design focused. Behance is still a great option if you need a place to send employers online, to see portfolio samples, but don't want to invest the time into making your own portfolio website. You can also look for jobs on there, however, I don't find many fashion options. Surprisingly, I have gotten several freelance clients off the site. I would say it is worth maintaining a profile there.


After speaking with some of my FIT interns, it seems this is a great resource that is being overlooked. When I was a recent graduate, I used the job bank to find opportunities. This job bank is private and fashion focused, so don't overlook it! FIT also has a internship bank, where I post the internship with me! If your not an FIT graduate, check and see if your fashion school has something similar. Chances are companies looking specifically for grads of your school are posting there with unique opportunities.

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